My background in the business potential of intellectual property, particularly early on in my career was of modest benefit to clients. I was exposed to the patent system from the time I graduated in Chemical Engineering in 1979 with my focus on the subject increasing since that time.

In 1981 I became involved in the establishment of a “high-tech” membrane filtration company known as Memtec Limited, first as their Technical Advisor and then as their Intellectual Property Manager. I was one of the four principals of Memtec Limited – the “littlest principal”.

In 1990, I left Memtec Limited and “joined the profession”, as it were, at Pizzey and Company (as it then was) in Brisbane. I joined the firm, AHEARN FOX, in 1998. I qualified as a registered patent and trade marks attorney (two separate qualifications) in 2000, graduating from the very first class which emerged from the newly established Institute of Patent and Trade Mark Attorneys’ Academy. I retired from the profession at the end of June, 2019.

If you have visited these pages in the past, you may notice that some material has been removed. Originally, I provided several pages on this website compiled from the bits and pieces I found useful in advising clients about their intellectual property rights during my working career. Since I am now retired, I have removed a significant proportion of that material, mainly because it is no longer current and I have the neither resources nor the inclination to keep such information current. However, I have added more material in the “My Stuff” section, mostly in such form that either does not need updating or because it may be of historical interest.

The information herein is of a general nature only and is not to be taken as advice suitable for any particular circumstance. Specific advice from a competent legal professional in the local jurisdiction is recommended for answers to specific questions. Whilst reasonable effort is and has been made in establishing and maintaining this website up to date, information is often difficult to obtain. Accordingly, the owner(s) of this website cannot be responsible for the absence, accuracy or currency of information on any of the web pages of this website. Any comments would be very welcome and may be directed to the webmaster at

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