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Bill Anderson’s Family Tree


12 June 2021

Name Index

Update Record

Numerical Index

Family Chart 513

Go back whence you came





Albert Arthur White {NR}
born Friday, 14 November 1913 - Muttaburra, Queensland, Australia (NFC) ⟨T2d4h 1d4e
Elizabeth Rosser Rogers {3rd cousin 1ce removed}
born Thursday, 19 February 1914 - Toowoomba, Queensland, Australia
died Tuesday, 9 May 1972 - Queensland, Australia
(FC00511) ⟨T2d4h 1d4e
Annette Elizabeth Rosser {4th cousin}
born Friday, 11 October 1946 (FC00514) ⟨T2d4h 1d4e 1
Ian Rosser {4th cousin}
born Friday, 9 September 1949 (FC03139) ⟨T2d4h 1d4e 2
Suzanne {4th cousin}
born September 1952
died September 19521
buried 15 September 1952 - Church of England section, Toowoomba Cemetery, Toowoomba, Queensland, Australia
(NFC) ⟨T2d4h 1d4e 3
Janion {4th cousin}
born August 1953
died August 19532
buried 3 August 1953 - Church of England section, Toowoomba Cemetery, Toowoomba, Queensland, Australia
(NFC) ⟨T2d4h 1d4e 4
1Suzanne died on the same day that she was born
2Janion was stillborn


Created 2 November 1995
Updated 22 June 2002
12 April 2003
12 June 2021
18 February 2022