

Bill Anderson’s Family Tree


6 November 2011

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Joseph Thompson

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We have to record the death of Mr. Joseph Thompson, senior, which took place at his residence in Brougham Street, Darlinghurst, on Thursday night. The late Mr. Thompson had reached the advanced age of 83 years, and for the last 68 years he had resided in the vicinity of the city of Sydney. His death removes another of the old identities from our midst. Born in London, the late Mr. Thompson landed in Sydney when only a young man of 20. He subsequently joined his father in the business of a draper in King Street, and later removed into more commodious premises in Pitt Street, where the business was extended to the wholesale as well as retail. The late Mr. Thompson's father, having died in the year 1858, the business was continued by the late Mr. Joseph Thompson and his brother, Mr. Samuel T. Thompson, until 1867, in which year Mr. Joseph Thompson relinquished business, and had since lived in retirement at Bellevue Hill, and also in Darlinghurst. In commercial life the late Mr. Thompson was successful, and was regarded as both shrewd and capable. He was highly esteemed for his integrity. Although not aspiring to public life, the deceased gentleman was connected with many institutions of the city. He was closely identified with the Pitt Street Congregational Church,and for many years was the senior deacon. As treasurer for the New South Wales branch of the British and Foreign Bible Society, the Cawarra Relief Fund, and Sydney School of Arts, director of the Randwick Asylum for Destitute Children, and a member of the ship committee of the London Missionary Society, he rendered lasting service. He favoured gardening as a pursuit, and was deeply interested in the work of the Horticultural Society of New South Wales, of which he was an active member. The late Mr. Thompson took delight in telling interesting anecdotes of some of his early colonial experiences. He was fond of coach travelling, and on one occasion journeyed from Sydney to Melbourne in one of the coaches then running. He was also amongst those present on the occasion of turning the first sod of the first line of railway laid in New South Wales. He had a vivid recollection of the drought experienced in the State in the year 1840.

The deceased gentleman, who had just passed his 88th birthday, was a member of a long-lived family. The ages of himself and his four brothers and sisters, who survive him, in the aggregate total 413 years, the following being his relatives:- Mrs. Rees Jones, of Yass, now in her 93rd year; Mr. Samuel T. Thompson, of Homebush, in his 81st year; Mrs. J. R. Wilshire, in her 78th year; and Mr. Thomas J. Thompson, the well-known sharebroker, in his 73rd year. The three surviving children are Alderman Joseph Thompson, Wolseley Road, Point Piper; Mr. William Thompson, Brougham Street, Darlinghurst; and Mrs. E. R. Webb, Bathurst.

Tho Rev. Dr. Jefferis (deceased's former pastor) will on Sunday evening next preach an “In Memoriam” sermon at the Pitt-street Congregational Church.


The remains of the deceased gentleman were interred in the Waverley Cemetery on Saturday in the presence of a number of relatives and personal friends. A short service was conducted at the house by the Rev. E. Tremayne Dunstan; prayer was offered by the Rev. Dr. Jefferis. The principal mourners present were Mr. Joseph Thompson, Mr. W. M. Thompson (sons), Messrs. J. Lysle Thompson, E. Harvie Thompson, and D. Thompson (grandsons), Mr. T. J. Thompson and Mr. Samuel Thompson (brothers), Messrs. J. G. Thompson, H. C. Thompson, T. Peate, W. H. Thompson, J. Wilshire, R. Wilshire, D. L. Thompson, S. A. Thompson, Ralph Thompson, Lionel Thompson, H. S. Thompson, and Ernest Thompson (nephews). Master Percy Thompson (grand-nephew). Amongst those around the grave were his Honor Judge Backhouse, Mr. T. Pratt, Mr. H. Docksey (secretary), and Messrs. J. White, W. T. Colyer, A. J. Jackson, W. Johnson, and Milne (deacons Pitt Street Congregational Church), Rev. R. T. Hills (general secretary British and Foreign Bible Society, New South Wales branch, Messrs. W. G. Wilson, E. Burton, Dr. P. Sydney Jones, J. Pepper, S. Jay, R. Morison Stewart, W. A. Notting, G. Cromack, H. Glasson, F. Hanks, C. Tom (Warren), Dr. Houison, G. R. Whiting, Stephen Jones, F. Morley, E. A. Maddock, S. Gilchrist. The service at the grave was conducted by the Rev. E. T. Dunstan, assisted by the Rev. Dr. Jefferis. Amongst the wreaths forwarded were those from the members of the family and one from the Pitt Street Congregational Church. The funeral arrangements were carried out by Mrs. P.

Kirby and Son.

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