

Bill Anderson’s Family Tree


14 August 2019

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Edmund Randolph Webb

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Edmund Randolph Webb

Edmund married Lily Thompson, the only daughter of Joseph Thompson, Esq., Trahlee, Bellevue Hill, Double Bay, Sydney.

The Sydney Morning Herald, Thursday 21 September 1882, Page 1.

The death took place at his son’s residence, North Hill, Forbes, on Saturday evening last of Mr Edmund Randolph Webb, aged 67. The deceased was until a short time ago residing at Enfield with his wife, but upon the death of the latter some nine months ago, Mr Webb came to Forbes to live with his son, Mr Clive T. Webb, a staff surveyor attached to Forbes Lands Office. He had been in delicate health for some time, but his end came suddenly and peacefully, the deceased passing away in an arm-chair at the fire from heart failure.

The late Mr Webb was a member of a well-known pastoral family in western New South Wales. Many years ago he himself was a land holder in the Eugowra district, and one of his brothers some little time ago held Little Caragabal, in the Grenfell district. Mr Aubrey Webb, of Cudal, is a brother, as also are Messrs C. Webb (Orange) and Wm. Webb (Bathurst). Another brother is at Nyngan, and yet another is manager of the Commercial Bank at Grafton. In addition to the son at Forbes, Mrs Wood, wife of the Public Works Officer at Moree, is a daughter of the deceased.

The funeral on Sunday afternoon was to the Church of England cemetery, Rev. R. G. Cruikshank officiating at the graveside in the absence of the Rector and his assistant.

The Forbes Advocate, Tuesday, 15 August 1922, page 3.

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