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Bill Anderson’s Family Tree


22 August 2010

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Ira Victor Knox «Vic» Jarrett

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Vic was born on 1 February 1920, the youngest son of Henry and Ada Jarrett.

His younger years were spent in Masseys Creek, Ecclestone, where he learnt to be not afraid of hard work as he worked the farm with his family.

A change in career took him to work in Newcastle with BHP. But his yearning for the country soon drew him back to the land, this time as a timber worker which was to become his life long occupation — which really suited Vic as he always loved the bush.

He had known Iris for several years when they made the decision to share their lives with each other and were married in this Church in 1950, extending the Congregation greatly with eight children in total, of which five are with us today with their families.

Vic’s love of gardening helped him to meet his family’s needs, as he always tended a lavish vegetable garden, which often fed the family and half the neighbourhood.

Vic was an Elder of Bent Street Church for over thirty years and held this position with pride and it only seems fitting that he should leave this life from the Church he loved and shared. Even in his final years as Vic’s health deteriorated he remained devoted to his Christianity, as Iris and Vic shared their belief and strong bonds of love, built from forty-nine years of marriage. It made it easier for Iris to cope with the heavy load of caring for him.

As we remember Vic, we share our own special memories, time enjoyed and love that will never be forgotten.

This eulogy was written by Vic’s widow, Iris, and his daughters, Marie, Meshell, Darlene and Carol, and his son, Victor. The eulogy was read at his funeral service at Bent Street Uniting Church, South Grafton, New South Wales, on Tuesday, 31 August 1999 by his son-in-law, Bill Anderson. Vic was buried in the Clarence Lawn Cemetery, Armidale Road, Braunstone, New South Wales on Sunday, 31 August 1999.

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