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Bill Anderson’s Family Tree


5 April 2021

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Francis Tempest Brady

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Francis was born 21 March 1808 in Booterstown, Dublin, Ireland, third son and tenth and youngest child of Francis Tempest Brady and Charlotte Brady nee Hodgson, his wife. His siblings were Elizabeth Mary Brady, Dorothea Brady, Nicholas William Brady, Mary Brady, Maziere Brady, Mary Ann Brady, Charlotte Brady, Dorothea Courtenay nee Brady) and Charlotte Mollan nee Brady).

He married, firstly, Frances Norman about 1839 in Dublin, Ireland, by whom he sired seven children, five daughters and two sons: Susannah Frances Brady, Charlotte Elizabeth Thorpe nee Brady), Horace Newman Brady, Letitia Dorothea Oswald nee Brady) and Francis Tempest Wilson Brady.

Francis was Chancellor of Lismore Cathedral and the diocese of Lismore, Rector of St Mary’s Church, Clonmel, County of Tipperary, Ireland.

Frances died 2 June 1854 in Dublin, Ireland.

He married, secondly, Susan Thompson on 18 April 1865, daughter of James Thompson, Esq. She died (decessit sine prole) 15 June 1880.

Francis died in 1873 in Clonmel, County Tipperary, Ireland.

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