

Bill Anderson’s Family Tree


30 April 2021

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Joseph Epheus

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Mr Joseph Epheus

The death occurred in a Mudgee private hospital yesterday afternoon of Mr. Joseph Epheus, a highly respected resident of the town, aged about 84 years. He had been suffering from a bronchial affection for some weeks, but it was only a few days ago that serious symptoms developed.

Deceased had resided in the district for a great many years, and was universally esteemed. In the early days he was employed by the late Messrs. H. Crossing and W. Smith, of Menah and Caerleon, and in later years followed the occupation of a builder. Capable, conscientious and honest as the sun, he naturally earned and held the friendship of those with whom he came in contact, and his passing will be deeply deplored. His wife predeceased him some seven years ago. The funeral took place from St. John’s Church of England this afternoon, and was attended by many old friends.

The above obituary appeared in the Mudgee Guardian and North-Western Representative of Monday, 29 May 1933, Page 1.

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